One Week to Go!
It's exactly one week before #plasticfreejuly begins, and I gotta say I'm feeling a little nervous. Plastic - especially single-use - has become such a pervasive part of our daily lives that I didn't even notice just how much I use, and how much of it isn't necessary. For some things, there are pretty easy and painless swaps. Others feel like they might not be as painless. All this plastic we're swimming is why we need something like Plastic Free July in the first place. The initiative started seven years ago in Western Australia (which abbreviates to WA. This was a source of confusion for me for longer than it should have been). The movement is really looking at cutting out single-use plastics - aka the shrink wrap on produce, shampoo bottles, the wrapping your Amazon delivery may come in, what have you - as these are not sustainable and choke out the ecosystems they end up settling in. I already had some plastic-reducing habits, which is why I thought going al...